Thursday, February 11, 2010

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The Cisterns of Granada
water tanks are of Arab origin constructs its name comes from the Arabic word algubb-for channeling and storing rain water collected on roofs for use as drinking water.
The city of Granada is an outdoor museum of these unique architectural treasures are in perfect condition since the time of the Muslim occupation of the area.
Albaicín In Grenada is the largest concentration of tanks, as they were the only ones responsible for providing drinking water for many years. It accounted for about 30 around the neighborhood and the majority are still in use today. One of the most typical views in Grenada is the journey through the cisterns, especially the Cistern of St. Nicholas is believed to be built over time an Arab Christian in the square of the same name. Around the wells

The Cistern of San Nicolas

Located on the square of the same name. It is an almost square nave with a barrel vault roof. Its capacity is 62 m3. Apparently Christian era is rebuilt on another Hispanic Muslim.
also functions as a reservoir to supply water from other wells in the Plaza de San Nicolás lies about 7 meters below street level and accessed by a ornate stone staircase

San Cristobal Aljibe

The Well is situated 6.30 m below street level, one must descend a ladder. Your unique ship has a capacity of 13 m3 and covered with a barrel vault. On the vault is an underground passage that communicates with the tomadero located in the house of the Masks

Cistern of San Luis

cistern is a step, because it crosses the secondary branch of the Acequia de Aynadamar. Was used to decant the water carrying silt. It has a single nave. It has a capacity of 4.5 m3, was built in
Nasrid King Aljibe

It is the largest of tanks Muslims of Granada, with more than 300 m3. Consists of 4 ships. Today is your vault inside the cistern called Carmen del Rey, home Albayzín Granada Foundation.

Cistern of San Miguel

Located in the Plaza de San Miguel Bajo near the Monastery of Santa Isabel la Real was built on a mosque in 1501. Between 1528 and 1539 was amended by the upper half and the Carpenter Antonio Fernández Gil Martin. Between 1551 and 1556 the lower half was modified by Alonso de Villanueva and carpenter Gabriel Martinez. The cover design seems to Siloam and was carved by Juan de Alcántara and Pedro de Asteasu. Along with the front side is a well belonging to the old mosque, built by the XIII century, with pointed horseshoe arch of Roman column shafts.

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apparently belonged to the mosque that there was Hunchback. A nave, barrel-vaulted roof, visible from the outside. Its capacity is 22 m3. Paco Fdez



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