Friday, March 5, 2010

Covering Built In Shelves

Fray Leopoldo de Alpandeire

Biography of Fray Leopoldo
In 1864 June 24, was born in Alpandeire (Málaga). Their parents, Diego Marquez and Jerome Sanchez.
June 29 is baptized by the pastor Antonio Vallecillo Sanchez, were imposed on the names of Francis, Thomas of St. John the Baptist.
September 11 received the sacrament of Confirmation in Alpandeire. He is managed by HE. Sr, D. Marcelo Spinola y Maestre, Bishop of Málaga.
In May de1895 in Ronda, held a solemn Triduum in honor of Reo, Diego José de Cádiz, on his beatitificación. During these days choose to seriously carry out its intention to devote himself to God in religious life.
In the month of August 1899 as the candidate entered the Capuchin convent in Seville. . Dressed the Capuchin habit in the convent of Seville, from the hands of P Valencina Diego, guardian and master of novices. His name of religion, from that day, will Alpandeire Fray Leopoldo. On November 16 de1900 issued his simple in Seville. Receives the same P. Valencina Diego.
In the autumn of 1903 he was transferred to the convent in Granada, although officially, the transfer is not confirmed until 13 January 1905. Before Antequera lived for several months. During his early years in Granada so devoted to the cultivation of the garden. Years later he began to exercise chaplain, a position he held until shortly before his death. On 23 November. Makes his solemn profession in the hands of P. Mendata Francisco, guardian.
November 18, 1913 is transferred to the convent in Seville. In 1914, on 21 February. He posted back to the convent of Granada where he remained the rest of his life.
In 1950, 16 November celebrates its golden jubilee of religious profession. The event took place in the convent church of Granada. Renewed their vows in the hands of P. Provincial, Fray Buenaventura de Vega buds.
In 1953, on 9 February. Suffering a fall, with a fractured femur, which retained in the convent for three years exactly, until his death. In 1956, on 9 February to one forty gave his soul to the Creator.
On June 26, 1961 starts the process of beatification and canonization chaired by Hon. Archbishop of Granada, U. Rafael García y García de Castro. Miracles of Fray Leopoldo
One of the many miracles was that of a young man who suffered from various diseases delicate that led to the death certificates of two doctors Granada. The boy's father when the news went to a room and prayed continuously to a card of Fray Leopoldo and was praying 20 minutes repeating the prayers written in the pattern of Fray Leopoldo and asking for a miracle not to see death child. Meanwhile
came from the parish to administer the last rites, when he left the priest could see that the child began breathing again to the surprise of all.
Curiously, this story does not end here, after a few hours the son tells his father that he saw and this without wasting time, continuously returned to the room and returned to Fray Leopoldo entrusted the child to see again. Suddenly he felt a voice from the next room, was his son, saying "Daddy, the whole miracle: I see as before.
Amazing, is not it, but I think these great men have found heaven here on earth not to be denied anything.
recommend a book that tells the life stories of Fray Leopoldo called "Beggar by God" that records the discipline and conduct of this man of God.


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