Friday, April 9, 2010

What Does It Mean When Cervical Fluid Is Chunky

Judge Garzón

few years ago I attended a conference in Granada, Baltasar Garzon, and I read a "A world without fear," one of his three books published and I have fashioned view on this court is that it is a very intelligent person.
's National Court judge since 1988, Judge star if you like, and which has been involved with courage in many national and international crimes such as terrorism cases either ETA or Al Qaeda, drug crimes , currency offenses, dared to prosecute Pinochet ... was recognized as "star judge" world, and this raises a lot of envy.
Every time he appears on television surprised him still alive, why have not caught up with him or ETA, or the Russian mafia on the Costa del Sol, or Italian, or major traffickers. During all these years I have considered a very smart person, because even investigating crimes so important no one had been able to find a bug, or criminals, or envious colleagues.
But in the end have caught the judge Garzon of the most surprising of course. The extreme right will sit on the bench for his investigation of crimes committed during the dictatorship. He is accused of prevarication on the English Falange and the right-wing organization "Clean Hands", chaired by former New Forces leader. Varela judge admitted the complaint and may provisionally suspend Garzon, and this is critical because such cases or case Faisan Gürtel, pass into the hands of another judge. Perhaps this is what was intended as well as out of the way a judge uncomfortable.
some time is too much talk of the third branch of government, the judiciary, which in theory should be neutral, but in reality is too politicized. LOLA


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